Guest blogger and Clan Hunter member, Carol Hunter Sullivan inspires us with her research for the Hunter One-Name study
Guest blog from our Clan Member Carol Hunter Sullivan
Lucy J. Massaar Hunter-Weston
This week it is a pleasure to welcome Carol Hunter Sullivan to our guest blog. Many of you will know her from her Facebook page: Hunter One-Name-Study through which Carol has been able to help many people research their own Hunter ancestry. Carol also has her own independent travel agency specialising in celtic tours and has organised tours to Scotland in combination with our Clan Hunter Gatherings.
By providing resource addresses, books and by giving advice based on her own personal experience, Carol is in a great position to help you trace your Hunter forefathers.
And now over to Carol:
Guild of One-Name Studies
My one name study with the Guild of One-Name Studies starts with a registration of the surname in 2015. I was deeply immersed in gathering and analysing data for over thirty years and very eager to turn my discoveries into something of lasting value. Collecting and studying the origins of surnames using genealogy techniques is no longer undertaken by family historians. The Guild has more of a structured theory and practice, acquiring the right skill set, Surname case studies (our Hunters are everywhere), and learning from others. The Guild is always there to help!
The study concentrates with a single surname (Hunter), family reconstruction and collecting data on Hunters worldwide. I have also registered variations to the surname.
The objectives of the Guild of One-Name Studies, are:
· to advance the education of the public in one-name studies (defined as research into the genealogy and family history of all persons with the same surname and its variants); and
· to promote the preservation and publication of the resultant date, and to maximise its accessibility to all interested persons.
The following are known as the Seven Pillars of Wisdom activities within a one-name study.
1. Data collection, comprising documentary, personal and genetic data
2. The analysis of collected data. By analysis we mean investigating the data collected to maximise the content and value of each data item and to show how they all link together.
3. The synthesis of collected data. By synthesis we mean generating new hypotheses about the linked data in order to test the findings suggested by it. It is about drawing conclusions on the big questions relating to a surname, such as where it arose, what it means, and what are its variants.
4. Communication. This includes responding to enquiries, contacting and collaborating with other researchers, and contacting living name-bearers
5. Publicising your study
6. Publication of results
7. Preserving your study
Through the guild, I have started a Hunter DNA Project at www.familytreedna/Huntar since the main Y-DNA is already done. My goal is to consider setting up a Hunter One-Name Society and have my Hunter One-Name Study With Many Variants book ready to add to the new Clan Hunter Centre Library in 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact me at: and/or
You can follow my research of the Hunter one-name study at: and follow others in their quest for information on their family histories at:
If you have any questions, please contact me at: and/or
You can follow my research of the Hunter one-name study at: and follow others in their quest for information on their family histories at:
Thank you Carol for your contribution! I’m sure your research will generate much interest among our Clan Hunter members and provide the link to useful and important sources many are searching for. We look forward to your book scheduled for 2021.
It is my intention to have a guest blogger each month to contribute a piece that will be of interest to our wide network of Hunters around the world. Your Hunter stories and anecdotes will inspire others to join our Hunter Clan.
If you have an interest / story / Hunter anecdote to share, please send me an e-mail at