Donate to Clan Hunter
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Please complete the form below to receive your donor pack and make your donation.
We appreciate any donations that are made to Clan Hunter and please know that every time you donate we are able to help the Clan Hunter community goals. Remember there are many ways to donate. We look forward to seeing you at the Clan Hunter Centre – every donation counts!
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You will find us off the A78 just north of West Kilbride. Look for our driveway marked by stone pillars and "Hunterston Estate"
Hunterston KA23 9QG
Telephone: 07980 209060
*This number is not continuously manned, so please do leave us a message.
Acccess to Hunterston Castle is strictly by appointment. Note that as a historic monument, wheel chair access is limited. More visitor information is available on our visitors page . Please email us to arrange a visit.