Lucy J Hunter-Weston Bio

30 June, 2020

Lucy J Hunter-Weston

Lucy and husband

With my husband

Hello, my name is Lucy Jane Hunter-Weston. Originally from the UK, I’ve had the honor of calling The Netherlands my home for the past 36 years. I am married to a Dutchman, and we have a grown son who has recently married.

It’s a great privilege to be part of Clan Hunter, and I take pleasure in contributing to the organizational aspects of our clan. We are publishing our first international newsletter, aiming to share news and stories from Clan Hunter Associations around the world, thus uniting our widespread members. Jill Hunter Powell, with her extensive experience editing the USA Clan Hunter Association’s newsletter, is collaborating with me, and I am hopeful for a lasting partnership.

Lucy with Madam Pauline

with Madam Pauline

In 2017, I reached out to Madam Pauline to offer my contributions to Clan Hunter. She recommended that I write for the Clan blog, which has been a delightful endeavor. Thank you, Madam Pauline.

Despite Facebook not being the ideal platform for a blog, it has connected me with Clan Hunter members, making me feel part of an extended family. 

General Sir Aylmer Hunter-Weston, my great-great-uncle, was a soldier and later a dedicated member of the Scottish Parliament for North Ayrshire. It feels appropriate to contribute back to the legacy he left.

After living in The Netherlands for many years, I am fluent in Dutch and have recently retired from teaching English at a local secondary school. The school offers a bilingual program for academically gifted children seeking additional challenges, including a special English immersion course for the first three years. As a native English speaker, I enriched their curriculum with authentic cultural insights.

Lucy with Carol Hunter Sullivan

with Carol Hunter Sullivan, Clan Hunter genealogy researcher.

Now that I’m retired, many people have inquired whether I miss my work and if I manage to stay occupied. I assure them that my involvement with Clan Hunter has allowed me to acquire new skills and forge new friendships.

I take pleasure in countryside walks. A holiday wouldn’t be complete without some quality hiking! Cooking and baking are also passions of mine. With my husband’s penchant for sweets, there’s always a cake or cookies freshly made! Lately, we’ve added apple and pear trees to our modest garden. Harvesting your own produce is truly gratifying and keeps us engaged.

As a blogger, I’m still navigating the ropes. My goal extends beyond informing; I aim to deliver the latest news, share anecdotes, and update you on other Clan members’ activities. I eagerly anticipate your feedback and any advice you might offer.

Yours aye,

LucyCullen Skink







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You will find us off the A78 just north of West Kilbride. Look for our driveway marked by stone pillars and "Hunterston Estate" 


Hunterston KA23 9QG
Telephone: 07980 209060
*This number is not continuously manned, so please do leave us a message. 


Acccess to Hunterston Castle is strictly by appointment. Note that as a historic monument, wheel chair access is limited. More visitor information is available on our visitors page .  Please email us to arrange a visit.