Welcome to the Clan Hunter blog!

17 July, 2020

Clan Hunter welcomes you.

One new website – many new pages

Welcome to the new Clan Hunter website! For all of us, 2020 has been a turbulent year. Covid-19 has affected us worldwide in one way or another and our thoughts go out to those who have lost loved ones through this terrible disease and to those who have fought the virus and are now on the long road to recuperation.

Lock-down has restricted our social interaction and family members, longing for a hug, have been plunged into isolation. Whatever has been said about social media in recent years, it has, for many, been the only way to keep in touch with the outside world. People like my mother-in-law aged 90, glued to her i-pad for the latest news and precious video calls from her children and grandchildren. Or my own mother glued to her laptop for e-mails and photos from friends and loved ones.

Hunter Clan Gathering
Hunter Clan Gathering

Social media has also brought our members closer together. On the Clan Hunter Facebook page, you have been keeping our community connected as never before. For example, Carol Hunter Sullivan’s One Name Study page has inspired many Hunters to dig into their own ancestry and has encouraged new Clan membership. Thank you all so much for that.

Additionally, while it was a tough decision to cancel our Clan Hunter International Gathering for 2020, it also bought us more time to reinvest in a new website. It is now up and running! And we are proud to be able to present to you, amongst others, a brand new blog page. Twice a month we shall be keeping you informed of cultural events, places to visit, where to have your kilts made and posting useful links.

My name is Lucy Jane Hunter-Weston. 

In this blog, I want to share some Scottish highlights with you and this link will show you the route my blog takes: https://goo.gl/maps/EVieueLRvabev5S16

Hunter Clan Arms

In 2021 from 3rd – 5th September , Clan Hunter will hold the next International Clan Hunter Gathering at the clan seat at Hunterston Castle in West Kilbride. If you’re planning on coming you may be interested in wrapping yourself in a few metres of our clan tartan for the occasion. You may also be interested in touring the land of your ancestors and finding out why Scotland is such a special place. Whether you are arriving at Glasgow airport or coming up from Edinburgh, you are in a perfect position to see all things Scottish and to take in the sights and smells that typify Scotland’s heritage.

Edinburgh Castle Welcome

Edinburgh Castle

I want to begin in Edinburgh.

My love for Edinburgh was first awakened when, as a newlywed, my husband and I visited the Edinburgh Festival back in August 1989. I’d always thought of the city as dark, gloomy and in need of a good scrub. Nothing was (and is) further from the truth! We were blown away by the sheer vibrancy of the place. Every nook and cranny was alive with performances, music, street food, a multicultural society and our first ever Edinburgh Tattoo. We visited everything we had time for and more and returned home exhausted but elated. 

Since then I have had, through my work as an English teacher in the Netherlands, the opportunity of revisiting Edinburgh several times as we take our Dutch pupils each year on a week’s excursion through Scotland. In 2017 my husband and I had the privilege of joining the Hunter Clan for the opening of the Edinburgh Tattoo. An unforgettable experience. On the Clan Hunter Facebook page, you can find all the photos.

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Tartan Gifts

Tartan Gifts - a link to our shop


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You will find us off the A78 just north of West Kilbride. Look for our driveway marked by stone pillars and "Hunterston Estate" 


Hunterston KA23 9QG
Telephone: 07980 209060
*This number is not continuously manned, so please do leave us a message. 


Acccess to Hunterston Castle is strictly by appointment. Note that as a historic monument, wheel chair access is limited. More visitor information is available on our visitors page .  Please email us to arrange a visit.